After waking up at 3am to catch my 6am flight, and after traveling for almost 2 hours to get to Brooklyn to meet up with my friend Chantelle, I had the biggest celebrity sighting of my life so far: MADONNA. IN BROOKLYN of all places. My friend Christian and I were getting off the train and looking for a street to turn on and there she was, in all her incognito glory. I freaked out and screamed at Christian “THAT WAS MADONNA!” and the 15 people that were following her (her entourage) seemed unphased that I recognized her. At that point, I was too tired and famished to run after her! (Plus, I had my huge suitcase with me)
Then we met up at my friend’s cute apartment in Williamsburg and headed to this restaurant called Lodge where we had the juiciest hamburgers ever! But getting back to the fashion. The first show that I worked this season was Jen Kao. Last year, her show was the first live fashion show that I had ever seen in New York and it was amazing. This show was definitely a great one. I was assigned to assist with check-in (one of the most important roles of a PR company)and some of the celebrities I saw: Kelly Rowland, Jessica White (who sat front row, and looked STUNNING in her Jen Kao dress) and Elle senior editor, Kate Lanphear!The runway was covered in sand and had elaborate designs drawn onto them. A lot of work was done just so the models could walk through it!
The collection featured a lot of muted colors – sand (haha), light olive green and featured a lot of crochet, including these really cool crochet gladiator “sandals”. Below are some of the favorite looks, and some video I took of the runway show. Enjoy!

NICE! : )
Beautiful collection, I love the dress in the first picture. Thanks for sharing.
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