This is a requested post by Deanna Mendoza, who is about to travel to Costa Rica this summer, and needed some help with finding the perfect chic swimsuit. I myself recently went swimsuit shopping and tried on a bikini for the first time and to my surprise looked really good in one, but I was sooo uncomfortable in it... so I bought a cute black one-piece. So buy what you'll be comfortable in and what looks good on you (and be honest with yourself), not just because it's cute. If not, you might look one of two things, awkward or funny looking.
Enjoy : )

DISLIKE the inclusion of Tyra at the top of this post! But I will say I like the halter-style top of most of these swimming costumes!
Well that's fine, that's your opinion. I chose Tyra because she has the best swimsuit body to me... well, at that time. Lol
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